Results for 'Anna Carolina Krebs Pereira Regner'

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  1.  36
    A Racionalidade na Explicação Darwiniana na Origem das Espécies.Halina Macedo Leal & Anna Carolina Krebs Pereira Regner - 1999 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 3 (2):213–256.
    The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin is a landmark in the history of Biology. It laid down the foundations for the modern theory of evolution and influenced several areas of the Natural History as well as other fields of inquiry. The Origin of Species brings in the theory according to which Natural Selection has been the most important means, although not the only one, of modification and production of new species in Nature.The novelty of Darwin's way of arguing in (...)
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    Anna Carolina Krebs Pereira Regner.Roberto de Andrade Martins, Cibelle Celestino Silva & Maria Elice Brzezinski Prestes - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):362-364.
  3.  24
    O “avesso” E o “direito” em busca da racionalidade da ciência.Anna Carolina K. P. Regner - 2004 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 9 (2).
    Tradicionalmente, “racionalidade” é o exercício da faculdade superior de conhecimento e ação, “razão”, e a propriedade dos produtos resultantes desse exercício, “razões”. Buscar o significado da “racionalidade” pressupõe perscrutá-la “em ação” – não há como “sair fora” do racional para encontrá-la. O valor de face que apresenta é o lado “direito” de sua tessitura. Mas a condição (auto)reguladora da racionalidade demanda que se lhe busque também o “avesso”, lado nem sempre visível das costuras que dão a feitura do “direito”. Em (...)
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    Argumentación retórica y controversias: un estudio de caso.Anna Carolina Regner - 2011 - Arbor 187 (747):117-124.
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    The Rhetoric of Science in Darwin's On the Origins of Species.Anna Carolina Regner - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Oficina de Música Para Crianças e Adolescentes, Clínica Ético-Política e Formação: Relatos de Experiências Discentes.Stephan Malta Oliveira, Lissa Leonor Chaves Carvalho, Danielle Fernanda da Silva, Ana Carolina de Freitas Melo, Lucas Pereira Jacques & Anna Beatriz Justen Dos Santos - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-25.
    Buscamos, com o presente artigo, investigar o impacto da práxis de um Projeto de Extensão Universitária, que consiste em oficinas de música para crianças e adolescentes com o que designamos autismo ou outras neurodivergências, sobre a formação discente, levando em consideração as dimensões clínica e ético-política da ação extensionista. Dividimos a metodologia em duas partes: a primeira corresponde à revisão bibliográfica tipo narrativa, por meio da qual abordamos textos da fenomenologia da vida e das éticas da alteridade, comunitária e da (...)
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    Entre o contexto e as demandas cotidianas: o imaginário como subst'ncia terapêutica na Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus.Anna Carolina Lo Bianco Clementino & Paulo Passos - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (45):92-111.
    This article proposes to think about the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God religious services offerings from the merger of imaginary features representations of it time and context. While many are in charge to found new paths, Edir Macedo envisioned in already crystallized pedagogy of mental images and people representations his great discursive / theological contribution. Therefore, it was with the demonization of Umbanda and the management of sympathies, rites, blessings and exorcisms converted into sacred liturgies and confrontation with (...)
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    Perspectives on Theory of Controversies and the Ethics of Communication: Explorations of Marcelo Dascal's Contributions to Philosophy.Dana Riesenfeld & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Controversy: Reading. Darwin. Through. Dascalian. Eyes. Anna Carolina K.P. Regner Abstract Marcelo Dascal has ... In the present text, I explore the impact of his approach on the analysis of Charles Darwin's 'one long argument', as Darwin calls his theory of the origin of species. ... Perspectives on Theory of Controversies and the Ethics of Communication, Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning 2, DOI ...
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    Our Themes on Abduction in Human Reasoning: A Synopsis.Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz Saldanha, Steffen Hölldobler & Luís Moniz Pereira - 2021 - In John R. Shook & Sami Paavola (eds.), Abduction in Cognition and Action: Logical Reasoning, Scientific Inquiry, and Social Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 279-293.
    Psychological experiments have shown that humans do not reason according to classical logic. Therefore, we might argue that logic-based approaches in general are not suitable for modeling human reasoning. Yet, we take a different view and are convinced that logic can help us as an underlying formalization of a cognitive theory, but claim rather that classical logic is not adequate for this purpose. In this chapter we investigate abduction and its link to human reasoning. In particular we discuss three different (...)
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  10.  22
    Quando a justiça entra na escola.Ana Carolina Reis Pereira - 2020 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (2).
    Este artigo procura analisar a introdução da justiça restaurativa no contexto educacional, na cidade de Campinas-SP. Desenvolvida sob o enfoque qualitativo, foi realizada com base em entrevistas analisadas a partir do referencial metodológico da história oral de vida. As estatísticas no Estado de São Paulo apontam um crescimento dos registros de violência nas unidades escolares. O objetivo de investigar a justiça restaurativa deve-se ao fato de que esta proposta tem sido executada tendo em vista o arrefecimento da violência e das (...)
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    "This lesson" vs. "Our lesson": Pragmalinguistic strategies towards learners' engagement in vulnerable elementary classrooms in Santiago de Chile.Anna Ivanova & Alcina Pereira de Sousa - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (1):69-95.
    This paper is a research study of an interdisciplinary and exploratory kind drawing on a case study undertaken in elementary classrooms in socio-economically disadvantaged areas of Santiago de Chile. Having combined Linguistics for Education Studies and Corpus Linguistics approaches, the analysis of pragmalinguistic choices (i.e. personal pronouns, other lexical choices marking in-group relations) used in the introductory parts in a corpus of 50 lessons recorded in an elementary school setting there comes to be a key strategy for teachers' and learners' (...)
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  12. A proteção dos direitos humanos no continente europeu: Breves apontamentos.Anna Paula Grossi & Luciano Meneguetti Pereira - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Validação do inventário de compensação de Young para a população campinense.Hugo Barbosa Pereira & Karla Carolina Silveira Ribeiro - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi de adaptar e analisar se o YCI apresenta validade psicométrica para aplicação na cidade de Campina Grande - Paraíba. Para o estudo, contou-se com a participação de 480 adultos com idade média de 24,49 anos (DP = 7,296). Os dados foram coletados na cidade de Campina Grande através de um questionário online. Todos os itens apresentaram cargas fatoriais acima de 0,30. A escala apresentou KMO = 0,846 e x² = 6094,745 p<0,000 e o percentual de (...)
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    “O peso E o equilíbrio dos fluídos”: Um ataque newtoniano às teses cartesianas do movimento.Raquel Anna Sapunaru, Douglas Frederico Guimarães Santiago, Bárbara Emanuella Souza & Gabriela Maria Pereira Barbosa - 2012 - Synesis 4 (2).
    Descartes estabeleceu conceitos através dos quais explicaria sua tese geral para o movimento dos corpos. Em total desacordo, Newton realizou um ostensivo ataque a teoria cartesiana concluindo que o movimento assumido pelo filosofo francês não deveria ser considerado como um movimento real. O diálogo desenvolvido ao longo da discussão, fundamentada na teoria newtoniana referente à natureza física do mundo, demonstra de forma sutil e refinada as observações precisas feitas por Newton acerca das contradições a que levavam o desenvolvimento dos conceitos (...)
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    Does Meditation Alter Brain Responses to Negative Stimuli? A Systematic Review.Andressa A. Magalhaes, Leticia Oliveira, Mirtes G. Pereira & Carolina B. Menezes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  16.  43
    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  17. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics Across 32 Cultures: Good Apples Enjoy Good Quality of Life in Good Barrels.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien Kim Geok Lim, Thompson Sian Hin Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Luigina Canova, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Anna Maria Manganelli, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Jingqiu Chen & Ningyu Tang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):893-917.
    Monetary Intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the bright side of Monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics, frames money attitude in the context of pay and life satisfaction, and controls money at the macro-level and micro-level. We theorize: Managers with low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior will have high subjective well-being: pay satisfaction and (...)
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  18.  40
    Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross‐level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Zhen Li, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Toto Sutarso, Ilya Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Caroline Urbain, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Consuelo Garcia De La Torre, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Abdulqawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Linzhi Du, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Kilsun Kim, Eva Malovics, Richard T. Mpoyi, Obiajulu Anthony Ugochukwu Nnedum, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Michael W. Allen, Rosário Correia, Chin-Kang Jen, Alice S. Moreira, Johnston E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Ruja Pholsward, Marko Polic, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Adrian H. Pitariu & Francisco José Costa Pereira - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):925-945.
    Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration (...)
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  19. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics: The Enron Effect—Love of Money, Corporate Ethical Values, Corruption Perceptions Index, and Dishonesty Across 31 Geopolitical Entities.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Bolanle E. Adetoun & Modupe F. Adewuyi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):919-937.
    Monetary intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the dark side of monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics—dishonesty. Dishonesty, a risky prospect, involves cost–benefit analysis of self-interest. We frame good or bad barrels in the environmental context as a proxy of high or low probability of getting caught for dishonesty, respectively. We theorize: The magnitude and intensity of (...)
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  20.  16
    Proposta de Período Extraclasse: A Formação Permanente No Centro de Formação Carolina Garcia Em Macaé/Rj.Alice de Souza Pereira, Juliana Godói de Miranda Perez Alvarenga & Mariana Godoy de Miranda Queiroz - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 8.
    A presente proposta busca sistematizar a importância da valorização do docente através do período extraclasse, prevista pela Lei do Piso Salarial Profissional Nacional docente (PSPN), observando a proposta de formação continuada, e, também, formação permanente, desenvolvida no Centro de Formação Carolina Garcia (CFCG), localizado no município de Macaé/RJ. A discussão aprofundada por meio da monografia de pedagogia da extinta Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Macaé – FAFIMA, tem como base os relatos apresentados nos questionários semiestruturados respondido pelas (...)
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  21. The teaching of computer ethics on computer science and related degree programmes. a European survey.Ioannis Stavrakakis, Damian Gordon, Brendan Tierney, Anna Becevel, Emma Murphy, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Radu Dobrin, Viola Schiaffonati, Cristina Pereira, Svetlana Tikhonenko, J. Paul Gibson, Stephane Maag, Francesco Agresta, Andrea Curley, Michael Collins & Dympna O’Sullivan - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (1):101-129.
    Within the Computer Science community, many ethical issues have emerged as significant and critical concerns. Computer ethics is an academic field in its own right and there are unique ethical issues associated with information technology. It encompasses a range of issues and concerns including privacy and agency around personal information, Artificial Intelligence and pervasive technology, the Internet of Things and surveillance applications. As computing technology impacts society at an ever growing pace, there are growing calls for more computer ethics content (...)
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  22.  5
    A critical perspective on institutional violence against hospitalized children: Testimonies by health professionals and family members.Ana Carla Petersen de Oliveira Santos, Climene Laura de Camargo, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas, Cristina Nunes Vitor de Araujo, Maria Carolina Ortiz Whitaker, Francielly Zilli, Ridalva Dias Martins & Nadirlene Pereira Gomes - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12665.
    The purpose of this study is to understand institutional violence (IV) in the relationships between health professionals, hospitalized children, and family members. This is a qualitative study developed at the pediatric inpatient unit of a university hospital in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The research participants consisted of 39 health professionals who specialized in pediatrics and 10 family members of hospitalized children. Semi‐structured interviews were the method used for data collection. Using discourse analysis as a basis and taking a (...)
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    A Cozinha Gaúcha: um resgate dos sabores e saberes da Gastronomia do Rio Grande do Sul.Tainá Bacellar Zaneti, Valdeni Terezinha Zani, Lorena Cândido Fleury, Isabel Cristina Kasper Machado, Caio Bonamigo Dorigon, Gabriela Pereira, Sara Schwambach de Almeida, Ariane Thiele Lima, João Lopes Martin Neto, Bruno Garcias, Yasmin Vellinho, Fábio Rohde, Sérgio Schneider & Carolina Pereira Kechinski - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):28.
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    Temas sociocientíficos em “Quarto de despejo” de Carolina de Jesus e a produção de podcasts.Ivanderson Pereira da Silva & Sthefany Dionizio Silva - 2024 - Odeere 9 (1):144-162.
    Este trabalho investigou as potencialidades pedagógicas da obra “Quarto de Despejo: diário de uma favelada”, de Carolina Maria de Jesus, para o ensino de ciências da natureza. De modo geral, objetivou investigar contribuições da problematização de temas sociocientíficos emergentes da obra. De modo específico possui os seguintes objetivos: a) Identificar a presença de temas sociocientíficos na obra “Quarto de Despejo: diário de uma favelada”; b) Analisar possibilidades de uso e produção de podcast para a abordagem de temas sociocientíficos no (...)
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    Mujeres viajeras de la Antigüedad. Los relatos de Egeria y otras peregrinas en Tierra Santa, de Eduardo Otero Pereira.Laura Carolina Durán - 2019 - Patristica Et Medievalia 40 (1).
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    Gertrude Davenport e a eugenia.Waldir Stefano & Aguiar Azambuja Pereira - 2022 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 17 (2):219-230.
    Gertrude Crotty Davenport (1866-1946), née Gertrude Anna Crotty, destacou-se por suas contribuições para a zoologia. Além disso, ela participou ativamente do movimento eugenista dos Estados Unidos juntamente com seu marido, Charles Benedict Davenport (1866-1944). O presente trabalho consiste em uma tradução comentada de um artigo que ela publicou em The Independent, em 1912. Neste artigo, Gertrude apresenta sua própria visão sobre a eugenia e discute sobre a situação em que se encontrava o movimento eugenista no início da década de (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Civic Monitoring of Coal Ash Pollution: (Re)gaining Agency by Crowdsourcing Environmental Information.Anna Berti Suman & Amelia Burnette - 2023 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 17 (2):227-256.
    Citizen-gathered evidence (CGE) gathered by individuals organized in collectives have the potential to demonstrate environmental and social wrongdoings in court. We identify (collective) agency and resistance in how individuals and communities that have been exposed to socio-environmental stressors turn to gather CGE. We explore the modes through which people gather scientific data, produce CGE, alert authorities to environmental harm, and the methods by which data can be shared with communities, beginning with the case studies of civic environmental monitoring addressing coal (...)
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  28. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  29. Visual processing without awareness: Evidence from unilateral neglect.Anna Berti & G. Rizzolatti - 1992 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 4:345-51.
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  30. Epistemic norms on evidence-gathering.Carolina Flores & Elise Woodard - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2547-2571.
    In this paper, we argue that there are epistemic norms on evidence-gathering and consider consequences for how to understand epistemic normativity. Though the view that there are such norms seems intuitive, it has found surprisingly little defense. Rather, many philosophers have argued that norms on evidence-gathering can only be practical or moral. On a prominent evidentialist version of this position, epistemic norms only apply to responding to the evidence one already has. Here we challenge the orthodoxy. First, we argue that (...)
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    Revisitando a Lógica de Dunn-Belnap.Carolina Blasio - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (2):99-126.
    RESUMO O presente artigo apresenta uma semântica baseada nas atitudes cognitivas de aceitação e rejeição por uma sociedade de agentes para lógicas inspiradas no First Degree Entailment de Dunn e Belnap. Diferente das situações epistêmicas originalmente usadas em E, as atitudes cognitivas não coincidem com valores-de-verdade e parecem mais adequadas para as lógicas que pretendem considerar o conteúdo informacional de proposições “ditas verdadeiras” tanto quanto as proposições “ditas falsas” como determinantes da noção de validade das inferências. Após analisar algumas lógicas (...)
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    Objectivity and meaning: Wittgenstein on following rules.Victor J. Krebs - 1986 - Philosophical Investigations 9 (July):177-186.
  33. Adverbial account of intransitive self-consciousness.Roberto Sá Pereira - 2015 - Abstracta 8 (2).
    This paper has two aims. First, it aims to provide an adverbial account of the idea of an intransitive self-consciousness and, second, it aims to argue in favor of this account. These aims both require a new framework that emerges from a critical review of Perry’s famous notion of the “unarticulated constituents” of propositional content. First, I aim to show that the idea of an intransitive self-consciousness can be phenomenologically described in an analogy with the adverbial theory of perception. In (...)
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  34. Jesuits of India : adapting Van Kley's "Religion and the age of 'patriot' reform" to South Asia.Carolina Armenteros - 2019 - In Mita Choudhury, Daniel J. Watkins & Dale K. Van Kley (eds.), Belief and politics in Enlightenment France: essays in honor of Dale K. Van Kley. [Liverpool, UK]: Liverpool University Press.
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  35. Ciência política e política de ciê̂ncia : projetos políticos e modelos cognitivos na política científica e tecnológica.Carolina Bagattolli - 2010 - In Renato Dagnino & Rafael de Brito Dias (eds.), Estudos sociais da ciência e tecnologia & política de ciência e tecnologia: alternativas para uma nova América Latina. [Campinas, Brazil]: GAPI Unicamp.
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    (1 other version)El origen de la oposición hegeliana en la obra ciencia de la lógica.Carolina Fumero - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:49-62.
    La lectura de la filosofía hegeliana se hace ardua cuando no conocemos nociones neurálgicas del desarrollo de su sistema; una de ellas es la oposición entendida como sentido de unidad y no como una oposición aislada. Para ello es fundamental la comprensión de su génesis estudiando aspectos como el Ser, Nada, Devenir que han sido desarrolladas en este artículo con el fin de interconectar todos los aspectos en la elevación del Espíritu propuesto por Hegel, a saber en la superación de (...)
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    Benjamin Barber: El imperio del miedo. Guerra, terrorismo y democracia. Paidós, Barcelona, 2004.Carolina Galais - 2005 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 5:137-140.
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    Nursing ethics: Irish cases and concerns.Anna-Marie Greaney - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (3):210–211.
  39. 'Around the axis of our real need': On the Ethical Point of Wittgenstein's Philosophy.Victor J. Krebs - 2001 - European Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):344-374.
    Books reviewed:John Skorupski, Ethical ExplorationsPeter Hallward, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of EvilBernard P. Dauenhauer, Paul Ricoeur: The Promise and Risk of Politics.
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    Del alma y el arte.Víctor J. Krebs - 1997 - Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Bellas Artes.
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    5. Metaphysikkommentar XII c, 6. lectio 4.Engelbert Krebs - 1921 - In Thomas (ed.), Thomas von Aquin: Texte Zum Gottesbeweis. De Gruyter. pp. 32-42.
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  42. Las divagaciones de un enfermo.Alejandro Pereira Alves - 1943 - Buenos Aires,: Librería "La Aurora".
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  43. O ensino e aprendizagem da compreensão do texto escrito.Aline Elisabete Pereira & Onici Claro Flôres - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):31-47.
    A leitura pode ser analisada sob vários ângulos: social, pedagógico, cultural, cognitivo, dentre outros. Contudo, abordar os aspectos mencionados, em conjunto ou sequencialmente, demanda uma verticalização prodigiosa da pesquisa; por isso este artigo busca apenas apresentar e discutir alguns aspectos cognitivos relevantes para a prática leitora, dando ênfase à memória e, por isso mesmo, ao conhecimento prévio. Acreditamos que, conhecendo melhor os tipos de memória e não ignorando o vínculo necessário entre memória e conhecimento prévio, se torne mais viável para (...)
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  44. Vida e morte das formas.Mario Alves Pereira - 1962 - Lisboa,:
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    A new defense of trope content view of experience.Roberto Sá Pereira - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1757-1768.
    The idea that what we perceive are tropes (abstract particulars) is anything but new. In fact, it was one of the reasons why the ontology of tropes was postulated in the first place. Still, the claim that we perceive tropes is invariably and purely based on pre-philosophical intuitions or, indirectly, either as a supporting argument for the advantages of content view when compared to the relational view of experience, or as a supporting argument in favor of the irreducible subjective character (...)
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    De plaats van de wil in de philosophie van Plotinus.Carolina Willemina Zeeman - 1946 - Arnhem,: Van Loghum Slaterus.
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  47. Animal Signals: Information or Manipulation?Richard Dawkins & John R. Krebs - 1978 - In John R. Krebs & Nicholas B. Davies (eds.), Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach. Blackwell Scientific. pp. 282–309.
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    Aristotle on Perceiving Objects.Anna Marmodoro - 2014 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    How can we explain the structure of perceptual experience? What is it that we perceive? How is it that we perceive objects and not disjoint arrays of properties? By which sense or senses do we perceive objects? This book investigates Aristotle's views on these and related questions.
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  49. Epistemic Styles.Carolina Flores - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):35-55.
    Epistemic agents interact with evidence in different ways. This can cause trouble for mutual understanding and for our ability to rationally engage with others. Indeed, it can compromise democratic practices of deliberation. This paper explains these differences by appeal to a new notion: epistemic styles. Epistemic styles are ways of interacting with evidence that express unified sets of epistemic values, preferences, goals, and interests. The paper introduces the notion of epistemic styles and develops a systematic account of their nature. It (...)
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  50. Imprecise Probabilities.Anna Mahtani - 2019 - In Richard Pettigrew & Jonathan Weisberg (eds.), The Open Handbook of Formal Epistemology. PhilPapers Foundation. pp. 107-130.
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